Add own Iconsets


Your boss is coming in and telling you that a technician needs a map with more than 250 hosts clearly laid out. You think: “Hey, that’s not possible, with a full description for every host!” The font in the background image is not the problem, but the std_small-iconset from NagVis is too big for such a request.


Build your own iconset.

What is an iconset?

A complete iconset consists of a number of files. These files are png, svg, gif or jpg images which are named like this:

Filename Description
<set>_critical.png Critical state
<set>_critical_ack.png Acknowledged critical state
<set>_critical_dt.png Critical state in downtime
<set>_critical_stale.png Stale critical state
<set>_down.png Down state (Host)
<set>_down_ack.png Acknowledged down state
<set>_down_dt.png Down state in downtime
<set>_down_stale.png Stale down state
<set>_error.png Error while fetching status
<set>_ok.png OK state
<set>_ok_dt.png OK state in downtime
<set>_ok_stale.png Stale ok state
<set>_pending.png PENDING state
<set>_unchecked.png Unchecked service (pending)
<set>_unknown.png Unknown state
<set>_unknown_ack.png Acknowledged unknown state
<set>_unknown_dt.png Unknown state in downtime
<set>_unknown_stale.png Stale unknown state
<set>_unreachable.png Unreachable state (Host)
<set>_unreachable_ack.png Acknowledged unreachable state
<set>_unreachable_dt.png Unreachable state in downtime
<set>_unreachable_stale.png Stale unreachable state
<set>_up.png Up state (Host)
<set>_up_dt.png Up state in downtime
<set>_up_stale.png Stale up state
<set>_warning.png Warning state
<set>_warning_ack.png Acknowledged warning state
<set>_warning_dt.png Warning state in downtime
<set>_warning_stale.png Stale warning state

NagVis checks for the <set>_ok.png image to list the iconsets, means there has to be at least a <set>_ok.png image to have a choosable iconset.

Which programme should I use to create an iconset?

Almost every graphic art software has the ability to build PNG-files. In this example Photoshop is used to create a smaller version of the std_small iconset called std_mini.

Iconset Icon size icon map
std_small 16×16 pixel

mini 9×9 pixel

Implementing the iconset

To implement the set in your NagVis installation, copy all files to the iconset folder (share/userfiles/images/iconsets).

The test

Open one of your maps and add a new host-icon. You should now be able to select std_mini as iconset.