PostgreSQL backend (pgsql)

The PostgreSQL backend, in short pgsl backend, is used to fetch Nagios information like status and configuration data via a PostgreSQL database as may be used by e.g. Icinga 2.

You can use the following parameters to configure a pgsql backend:

dbhostlocalhostHostname of the PostgreSQL Database
dbport3306Port of the PostgreSQL Database
dbnamedb_nagiosName of the PostgreSQL Database
dbuserrootUsername for Database Access (only needs read permissions)
dbpassrootPassword for Database Access (only needs read permissions)
dbprefix nagios_ Prefix of the tables in the PostgreSQL Database
dbinstancename default Name of the Nagios instance in the PostgreSQL Database
maxtimewithoutupdate180Maximum delay in seconds after last update in the PostgreSQL database. NagVis will report Nagios is not running if the delay is reached

There are also some general parameters. You can read about them in main configuration format description.