Permission Management

Since release 1.5 NagVis contains a very detailed permission management. It is a role based concept where users can be assigned to one or several roles while the roles have permissions assigned.

The permissions of the different roles of a user are summarised and control the actions the user is able to perform.


Default Roles

In a fresh installation there are four roles defined:

These default roles should be sufficient in the beginning. You may delete these users and roles but please be aware NOT to delete the last administrative user and role.

Customising the Roles

It is possible to create new roles for customising the permissions of users and groups of users.

For example it is easy to create a role for all SAP administrators which then can only access the SAP related maps.


The permissions are hardcoded in NagVis. A single permission consists of three elements:

Each of those three elements can be set by a dedicated name or alternatively by a wildcard "*" which then matches all modules, actions or objects.

Here is a list of all available permissions in NagVis:

***Grants full access to NagVis. No other permissions are needed.
Authlogout*Allows a user to logout from NagVis.
AutoMapadd*Create a new automap.
AutoMapdelete*Delete all automaps.
AutoMapedit*Edit all automaps.
AutoMapview*View all automaps.
AutoMapdelete<Name>Delete a specific automap.
AutoMapedit<Name>Edit a specific automap.
AutoMapview<Name>View a specific automap.
ChangePasswordchange*Allows a user to change one's own password.
Mapdelete<Name>Delete a specific map.
Mapedit<Name>Edit a specific map.
Mapview<Name>View a specific map.
Rotationview<Name>View a specific rotation.
Searchview*Search objects on maps and automaps.