NagVis uses an own user, role and permission management in current versions. However, since the authorisation is modularized, it is possible to use alernative authorisation modules.
Since NagVis 1.8b1 there is a new auhthorisation module shipped with NagVis named CoreAuthorisationModGroups. It makes use of the contact groups defined in your monitoring core and a mapping table, which is NagVis specific, to gather the permissions of the users within NagVis. Please note that this new feature can only be used when using the livestatus backend.
To use this module each user which should get access to NagVis has to have a contact with a matching name defined in your monitoring core. You also need to assign at least one contact group to this contact.
When you have defined your contacts, contact groups and the memberships within your core, you can start creating the mapping table which maps the contact group names to NagVis permissions.
The mapping table is configured using a JSON construct within the file nagvis/etc/perms.db. This JSON contruct is an object which uses the contact group names as keys which each refer to a nested object which contains the permissions assigned to each member of this group.
Here you can see the contents of the example configuration:
{ "admins": { "admin": 1 }, "first_level_support": { "view": [ "*" ] }, "power_users": { "view": [ "*" ], "edit": [ "*" ] }, "oracle_admins": { "view": [ "oracle_servers" ], "edit": [ "oracle_servers" ] } }
In the example above all members of the contact group "admins" get full access to NagVis including all permissions. The contact group named "first_level_support" gets view access to all maps defined in NagVis. The contact group named "power_users" gets view and edit permissions to all maps. The contact group named "oracle_admins" is allowed to view and edit the map named "oracle_servers".