relative to the nagvis root directory. The templates are named like this: *.header.html
.Macro | Description |
{$currentMap} (was [current_map]) | Name of the current map (e.g. demo,demo2) |
{$currentMapAlias} (was [current_map_alias]) | Alias of the current map |
{$currentLanguage} (was [current_language]) | String representing the current language (For example en_US). This is needed for link to documentation. |
{$currentUser} | Name of the current user. |
{$mod} | The current Module (Map, AutoMap, Overview, Welcome, ...). |
{$act} | The current Action (view, edit, ...). |
{$bEnableFade} | Tells the hover menu to use fading menus or quickly opening slide menus. |
{$bRotation} | Is true when currently viewing a rotation. Otherwise it is False.. |
{$permittedOverview} | Is true when the user is permitted to access the overview page. Otherwise it is False.. |
{$permittedEdit} | Is true when the user is permitted to edit the current map. Otherwise it is False.. |
{$permittedEditAnyMap} | Is true when the user is allowed to edit at least one map. Otherwise it is False.. |
{$permittedChangePassword} | Is true when the user is permitted to change the own password. Otherwise it is False.. |
{$permittedEditMainCfg} | Is true when the user is permitted to edit the main configuration file. Otherwise it is False.. |
{$permittedManageBackgrounds} | Is true when the user is permitted to manage backgrounds. Otherwise it is False.. |
{$permittedManageMaps} | Is true when the user is permitted to manage maps. Otherwise it is False.. |
{$permittedManageShapes} | Is true when the user is permitted to manage shapes. Otherwise it is False.. |
{$permittedUserMgmt} | Is true when the user is permitted to manage user accounts. Otherwise it is False.. |
{$permittedRoleMgmt} | Is true when the user is permitted to manage roles. Otherwise it is False.. |
{$permittedLogout} | Is true when the user is permitted to log out. Otherwise it is False.. |
{$supportedChangePassword} | Is true when the current auth module supports changing passwords. Otherwise it is False.. |
{foreach $maps map} {$map.mapName} {/foreach} |
A list of all maps defined in NagVis. The code between {foreach $maps map} and {/foreach}
is repeated for each map. For an example have a look at share/userfiles/templates/pages/default.header.html .
Within the BEGIN/END-Tags the following macros are available: * {$map.mapName} (Was [map_name]): Name of the map * {$map.mapAlias} (Was [map_alias]): Alias of the map * {$map.permittedEdit}: Is the user permitted to edit this map? |
{foreach $langs lang} {$lang.language} {/foreach} |
A list of all languages available to the users in NagVis. The code between {foreach $langs lang} and {/foreach} is repeated for each language. For an example have a look at share/userfiles/templates/pages/default.header.html .Within the BEGIN/END-Tags the following macros are available: * {$lang.language}: Internal name of the language * {$lang.classUnderline}: Underline the language * {$lang.langLanguageLocated}: Located name of the language. |
{if $viewType == 'Map' || $viewType == 'Automap'} | To be more flexible in the templates we added some sort of if statements. These can be used as in native PHP. For an example have a look at share/userfiles/templates/pages/default.header.html . |
{$pathBase} (was [html_base]) | URL to HTML-Base (/nagvis) |
{$pathImages} (was [html_images]) | URL to HTML-Images (/nagvis/images) |
{$pathHeaderJs} | Path to header specific javascript file (New in 1.6) |
{$pathTemplates} (was [html_templates]) | Path to header templates (/nagvis/userfiles/templates) |
{$pathTemplateImages} (was [html_template_images]) | Path to header template images (/nagvis/userfiles/images/templates) |
{$langOpen} (was [lang_select_map]) | Label for opening new views |
{$langEditMap} (was [lang_edit_map]) | Label for edit map link |
{$langNeedHelp} (was [lang_need_help]) | Label for help selection |
{$langOnlineDoc} (was [lang_online_doc]) | Label for link to online documentation |
{$langForum} (was [lang_forum]) | Label for link to NagVis forum |
{$langSupportInfo} (was [lang_support_info]) | Label for link to support information |
{$langOverview} (was [lang_overview]) | Label for overview string |
{$langInstance} (was [lang_instance]) | Label for the instance string |
{$langRotationStart} (was [lang_rotation_start]) | Label for starting the map rotation |
{$langRotationStop} (was [lang_rotation_stop]) | Label for stopping the map rotation |
{$langSearch} | Label for searching an object on the map. |
{$langToggleGrid} | Label for enabling/disabling the grid. |
{$langActions} | Label for choosing the available actions. |
{$langUser} | Label for the user. |
{$langLoggedIn} | Label for "Logged in as". |
{$langChangePassword} | Label for changing the user's password. |
{$langUserMgmt} | Label for managing users. |
{$langManageRoles} | Label for managing user roles. |
{$langLogout} | Label for logging out. |
{$langChooseLanguage} | Label for choosing the user's language. |