Install Nagvis into OMD site

Since 1.6b2 it is possible to install NagVis into the local/ path of OMD sites. Please note: This is only recommended for testing purposes e.g. if you like to test brand new features of new NagVis versions which are not already included in OMD. We do not recommend using this for productive installations except you really know what you are doing.

Using the omd site installer

Log in to your OMD site

In most cases this is done by doing

su - <sitename>

Download NagVis

Get the current NagVis package. The latest release can be found at

Unpack NagVis

Unpack the archive to a temporary place (for example /tmp) and change to that directory

tar xvzf nagvis-1.6*.tar.gz /tmp
cd /tmp/nagvis-1.6*

Make installer executable

The OMD site installer is located in the root directory of the NagVis package. The installer has to be made executable before you can use it.

chmod +x

Execute the installer

Now you can execute the installer script.


Confirm the question with y and wait for the script to complete. It should finish quickly.


You can remove the sources after installation.

rm -rf /tmp/nagvis-1.6*

Use it ...

Now you should be able to use the new version opening it in the browser with the url
