Header Templates


Header templates are html files with some macros in it. These files can be used as header menu in the maps. The header templates are located at share/userfiles/templates/pages/*.header.html relative to the nagvis root directory. The templates are named like this: *.header.html.
Since NagVis 1.5 the template format has been changed to be more flexible. Therefore all templates need to be recoded to be NagVis 1.5 compatible.


The following macros are available in the header templates:
{$currentMap} (was [current_map])Name of the current map (e.g. demo,demo2)
{$currentMapAlias} (was [current_map_alias])Alias of the current map
{$currentLanguage} (was [current_language])String representing the current language (For example en_US). This is needed for link to documentation.
{$currentUser}Name of the current user (New in 1.5).
{$mod}The current Module (Map, AutoMap, Overview, Welcome, ...) (New in 1.5).
{$act}The current Action (view, edit, ...) (New in 1.5).
{$bEnableFade}Tells the hover menu to use fading menus or quickly opening slide menus (New in 1.5.2).
{$bRotation}Is true when currently viewing a rotation. Otherwise it is False. (New in 1.5).
{$permittedOverview}Is true when the user is permitted to access the overview page. Otherwise it is False. (New in 1.5).
{$permittedEdit}Is true when the user is permitted to edit the current map. Otherwise it is False. (New in 1.5).
{$permittedEditAnyMap}Is true when the user is allowed to edit at least one map. Otherwise it is False. (New in 1.5).
{$permittedChangePassword}Is true when the user is permitted to change the own password. Otherwise it is False. (New in 1.5).
{$permittedEditMainCfg}Is true when the user is permitted to edit the main configuration file. Otherwise it is False. (New in 1.5.3).
{$permittedManageBackgrounds}Is true when the user is permitted to manage backgrounds. Otherwise it is False. (New in 1.5.3).
{$permittedManageMaps}Is true when the user is permitted to manage maps. Otherwise it is False. (New in 1.5.3).
{$permittedManageShapes}Is true when the user is permitted to manage shapes. Otherwise it is False. (New in 1.5.3).
{$permittedUserMgmt}Is true when the user is permitted to manage user accounts. Otherwise it is False. (New in 1.5).
{$permittedRoleMgmt}Is true when the user is permitted to manage roles. Otherwise it is False. (New in 1.5).
{$permittedLogout}Is true when the user is permitted to log out. Otherwise it is False. (New in 1.5).
{$supportedChangePassword}Is true when the current auth module supports changing passwords. Otherwise it is False. (New in 1.5).
{foreach $maps map}
A list of all maps defined in NagVis. The code between {foreach $maps map} and {/foreach} is repeated for each map. For an example have a look at share/userfiles/templates/pages/default.header.html.

Within the BEGIN/END-Tags the following macros are available:
* {$map.mapName} (Was [map_name]): Name of the map
* {$map.mapAlias} (Was [map_alias]): Alias of the map
* {$map.urlParams}: Special parameters to hand over to the NagVis frontend like search strings.
* {$map.permittedEdit}: Is the user permitted to edit this map?
{foreach $langs lang}
A list of all languages available to the users in NagVis. The code between {foreach $langs lang} and {/foreach} is repeated for each language. For an example have a look at share/userfiles/templates/pages/default.header.html.

Within the BEGIN/END-Tags the following macros are available:
* {$lang.language}: Internal name of the language
* {$lang.classUnderline}: Underline the language
* {$lang.langLanguageLocated}: Located name of the language.
{if $viewType == 'Map' || $viewType == 'Automap'} To be more flexible in the templates we added some sort of if statements. These can be used as in native PHP. For an example have a look at share/userfiles/templates/pages/default.header.html. (New in 1.5).
{$pathBase} (was [html_base]) URL to HTML-Base (/nagvis)
{$pathImages} (was [html_images]) URL to HTML-Images (/nagvis/images) (New in 1.5)
{$pathTemplates} (was [html_templates]) Path to header templates (/nagvis/userfiles/templates)
{$pathTemplateImages} (was [html_template_images]) Path to header template images (/nagvis/userfiles/images/templates)
{$langOpen} (was [lang_select_map])Label for opening new views
{$langEditMap} (was [lang_edit_map]) Label for edit map link
{$langNeedHelp} (was [lang_need_help]) Label for help selection
{$langOnlineDoc} (was [lang_online_doc]) Label for link to online documentation
{$langForum} (was [lang_forum]) Label for link to NagVis forum
{$langSupportInfo} (was [lang_support_info]) Label for link to support information
{$langOverview} (was [lang_overview]) Label for overview string
{$langInstance} (was [lang_instance]) Label for the instance string
{$langRotationStart} (was [lang_rotation_start]) Label for starting the map rotation
{$langRotationStop} (was [lang_rotation_stop]) Label for stopping the map rotation
{$langSearch} Label for searching an object on the map (New in 1.5).
{$langToggleGrid} Label for enabling/disabling the grid (New in 1.5).
{$langActions}Label for choosing the available actions (New in 1.5).
{$langWui}Label for the WUI (New in 1.5).
{$langUser}Label for the user (New in 1.5).
{$langLoggedIn}Label for "Logged in as" (New in 1.5).
{$langChangePassword}Label for changing the user's password (New in 1.5).
{$langUserMgmt}Label for managing users (New in 1.5).
{$langManageRoles}Label for managing user roles (New in 1.5).
{$langLogout}Label for logging out (New in 1.5).
{$langChooseLanguage}Label for choosing the user's language (New in 1.5).